Hey, It's Evelina!

Why Dont You Get to Know Me Better

My Name is Evelina Nastasiu, but you can call me Evelyn. I have a younger brother and I'm the older one! I am from Romania, but I now reside in New York City! I'm fluent in Romanian, English, Spanish, and French. I eventually want to relocate to either Washingston State or California! I attend BMCC in Manhatten and major in Business Administration.

Here are some of My Personal Favorites:

Show: Breaking Bad

Book: Lolita by Nobokov

Band: Carla's Dream's

I love snapping landscape pics with my Nikon Camera

My All Time Favorite Actor: Hugh Laurie

And check out my favorite wesite, Smothsonian. You can discover and explore some many informative Topics.